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CLI Trainer's Forge: The Two Day Mastery

This offering is designed for individuals seeking an in-depth understanding and hands-on experience with Citizen-Led Impact (CLI) methodologies. The workshop provides comprehensive process and methodological training, preparing CLI champions within your organization to effectively lead the process. Spanning over two days, this training offers an immersive experience into CLI principles and practices, equipping participants with the skills and knowledge needed to drive meaningful community engagement and policy-making initiatives.

Trainer's Forge: The Two Day Mastery

Day 1: Foundational Knowledge and Skills

Introduction: Making the Case for Citizen-Led Impact
Explore the foundational concepts of CLI, including its significance, benefits, and the transformative potential it holds for communities and organizations. Discuss successful case studies and the critical role of citizen engagement in driving change.

Mapping the Model: A Step-by-Step Guide for Impact
Gain a detailed understanding of the CLI framework and its application. Learn step-by-step methods for mapping out and implementing CLI strategies effectively within your organization. This includes action planning, stakeholder engagement, and impact measurement.

Introduction to Lived Experience Research

Engage in creative research tools that allow you and community members to delve deep into the community’s lived experience. This training will introduce and equip participants with innovative methodologies such as Participatory Ethnographic Inquiry (PEI), walking ethnographies, and the use of photography and videography as research tools. These techniques provide rich, qualitative data that highlight the real-life experiences, needs, and aspirations of community members.

Participatory Ethnographic Inquiry (PEI):

Learn how to involve community members in the research process, empowering them to share their stories and perspectives. This approach ensures that the research is grounded in the authentic experiences of those it aims to represent.

Walking Ethnographies:

Understand how to conduct walking tours with community members, exploring their environments and capturing insights through their narratives. This method provides contextual understanding and reveals the interactions between people and their surroundings.

Photography and Videography:

Gain skills in using visual media to document and analyze community life. These tools help in capturing the nuanced aspects of lived experiences that may be overlooked in traditional research methods. Participants will learn to take and analyze photographs and videos, enabling a deeper visual and emotional connection to the data.

Practice: Dipping into Citizen-Led Research:
Engage in practical exercises that introduce CLI research methods. Participate in hands-on activities and scenario-based learning to develop the skills needed to conduct community-led investigations and gather meaningful data.

Re-thinking Livelihood: The Meaning of the Good Life:
Delve into the broader concept of livelihood, examining the social determinants of health and well-being. Redefine what it means to lead a good life from a community-driven perspective, considering various dimensions such as economic stability, health, education, and social cohesion.

Day 2: Application and Deep Dive

Advanced Data Collection Techniques
Build on the basics learned on Day 1 by exploring advanced data collection methods. Learn how to design and implement surveys, focus groups, and participatory observation techniques that capture rich, actionable insights from community members.

Collaborative Data Analysis and Synthesis
Work with community members and stakeholders to collaboratively analyze the collected data. Learn how to integrate diverse perspectives and insights to enrich data interpretation and outcomes. Develop recommendations and action plans based on the analysis.

Implementation Planning
Develop a comprehensive implementation plan for the CLI initiative. Outline the steps, resources, and timelines needed to turn research findings into actionable policies and programs. Learn how to set achievable goals and measure progress.

Building Partnerships and Networks
Identify and engage key partners who can support and amplify the initiative. Learn strategies for building effective collaborations with local organizations, academic institutions, government bodies, and NGOs to enhance the reach and impact of the CLI efforts.

Sustaining and Scaling CLI Initiatives
Discuss strategies for sustaining and scaling CLI initiatives. Learn how to secure funding, maintain community engagement, and adapt to changing circumstances. Explore ways to expand successful projects to new areas and communities.


This training is ideal for:

Research teams in local governments, centers, and charities, Executive Leads in Local Governments, Community Engagement Coordinators, VCS and Charity Sector Actors:

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